Monday, November 7, 2011

A True Greek Tragedy - Odyssey of the EU

"I should rather labor as another's serf, in the home of a man without fortune, one whose livelihood was meager, than rule over all the departed dead."

A True Greek Tragedy - Odyssey of the EU

The cradle of democracy is under attack.
The Inherent Autonomy of the human spirit is at stake. What was won at the Battle of Thermopylae, was lost in the banksters board rooms that control the EU. The fluidity of this definitive game of chicken,
poses the beheading of the rooster and the scorching of all the hens. This journey into Land of the Lotus Eaters, not only
needs to blind Polyphemus, but must destroy his New World Order father, Poseidon. The designed destruction of democratic authority
is meant to eliminate any referendum on the EU despotism. The phony debt instruments caused the Greek default, that will soon
spread the planetary misery, on the rest of us. Western civilization’s birth, owes homage to the Greek principle of
individual autonomy. Its demise is a product of the inherent betrayal of humanity by the forces of financial exploitation,
that exemplifies 1 Timothy 6:10, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Prime Minister George Papandreou’s gambit calling for a Greek referendum on the draconian EU extortion is
proof positive that state sovereignty is dead. It failed because the EU cabal would not allow self-determination. Servicing
the debt is the supreme dictate. The analogy of the arrogant and obnoxious Antinous wooing Penelope as a right of entitlement,
applies. The righteous outrage of Odysseus’ arrow shot through the throat of all the EU suitors, also applies. Today’s
script does not fit the noble triumphs of Homer’s epic. The banksters are more powerful than the intervention of Athena.

How quickly the defiant Greeks were put back in line.
The video Greece To Let The People Vote On EU Bailout turned into Greek Government Teeters, Lawmakers Urge PM to Resign.

The Globe and Mail reports, Greece backs off referendum, dealing blow to euro-zone equality,

"In an effort to avoid a financial catastrophe, Europe’s
leaders persuaded Athens late Thursday to back away from a referendum, but the result, which involved threats to expel Greece
from the euro zone, has destroyed any sense of democratic solidarity uniting them."

is obviously a decision the Greeks have to make," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said, "but I think the strong
preference of everybody around the G20 table would be for progress to be made toward the package the European Union put together
last week," rather than a referendum. "I think that’s a strong preference."

In one
rare spark of insight, the progressive statist proponent Robert Reich actually asks the proper question, Greece’s Choice — and Ours: Democracy or Finance?

"Shouldn’t Greek citizens make this decision for themselves?

course, if Greek defaults on its loans, global investors (fearing that a default in Greece sets a dangerous precedent) may
yank their money out of Italy. This would almost certainly bust several big European banks – and generate panic on Wall
Street. That’s why Tim Geithner has been pressing Europe to bail out Greece."

Patrick Henningsen
writes in the article, Another military coup in Greece – can you blame them?

"If the government is in danger of collapse, then Greece could be looking at
a genuine military coup d’etat.

This theory has gained credence since Athens announced a wild reshuffle, sacking
its military leaders in every branch of the forces on Tuesday. The defense ministry confirmed that Greece’s state Security
Council replaced the heads of the general staff, the army, navy and air force, and discharged a score of army and navy officers."

the gallant crew of Odysseus are all dead at the hands of a vindictive Poseidon. The EU cannot tolerate adventurism and needs
to make kings into beggars.

The EU Cyclops not only wants to devour
the Greeks, but also wants to imprison the next generation for future meals. The central banksters act like the six-headed
monster Scylla. They seek perpetual serfdom and a burden akin to Sisyphus pushing his boulder up the eternal hill. Welcome
to the realm where the suffering of Tantalus, eternally punished with hunger and thirst, surrounded by water and tempted by
grapes, is now commonplace for the Hellenian slaves. The plight and trials of Odysseus become universal under the global gulag of debt created tyranny. The rule of compound interest is the ultimate peril from the gang of suitors that
court the hand of Penelope, not for partnership bliss, but for control. Doom them to the bowels of Hades. All Greeks are now

The neutralization effort for a popular
vote and a plan for a caretaker government, demonstrates the financial muscle of the shadow gangsters that run the EU experiment.
Yet, this last minute stopgap measure, is but a temporary band-aid on a terminate patient.

Press TV viewpoint and the video on the Greek PM wins vote of confidence, is revealing.

Papandreou gave an address to parliament for more than half
an hour, saying that "immediate elections will be catastrophic," but he would be prepared to negotiate a power-sharing
settlement, the state-run BBC reported.

Papandreou said the economic
bailout deal for Greece currently on offer by the European Union had to be accepted, and it would be "historically irresponsible"
to lose it, though he is "past caring about his power and post."

Hunter of
USA Watchdog forecasts, "You cannot tell millions of Greeks there will be a vote
on a massive debt deal and then say just kidding, not going to happen. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.
I predict there will be a vote by the Greek people one way or another. It will be a nice, neat nationwide referendum or protests
in the streets."

Michael Hudson provides a forceful analysis
in a
Democracy Now video, Wall Street v. Greece: G20 Opens as Greek PM Pushes For Referendum on EU
Bailout Plan. Contrast this liberal interpretation with Mad Max Keiser’s outburst calling a talking head - toady for
the globalists. "Sounds like a Nazi collaborator defending a rapist", in
Greece run by financial
defined the nature of the combat. Both share the same viewpoint that a forced
Greek austerity only benefits the banksters.

raw power has seldom been so clear. When Hank Paulsen threaten the U.S. Congress with martial law or approve the TARP theft,
he wanted a mere $700 billion bailout. The stakes are raised; Greece must surrender the entire country to the master of the
real and only true global empire. As the mass media spins the bleb of populist democratic clout, as a horrific thought, the
vultures swarm for the pickings of the choicest Greek islands.

style of Greek Tragedy, as the interpreter of this type of divine comedy, best reflects the psychopathic impulses within the
EU charade. The play
Bacchae has the god Dionysus, the personification of the liberating spirit of wine
and revelry, responds to doubters of his divinity. He claims that he has "driven the women of Thebes mad and sent them
to the hills around the city, where they wear the animal skins of bacchants, priestesses of Dionysus, carry the ivy-entwined
thyrsus (a symbol of his worship), and dance and sing hymns of praise to the new god."

To worship Dionysus, the Chorus sings, followers need only to
crown themselves with ivy, wear deer skins lined with goat hair, carry the branches of oak and fir trees, delight in the bounty
of the vine, and make ritual animal sacrifices. If they do, the land will overflow with natural beauty and riches—fawns
and goats, wine and honey.

Contrary to the characterization
that the Greeks are lazy, need to suck it up, institute higher taxes, start embracing thrift, restraint and frugality; the
central banksters are the true dispensers of greed and drunken lust of power. The four horsemen of the Acropolis
hangs over all of the EU, not because of Greek defiance, but because they will not yield to the armies of the financiers.


In the article, EU Bonds Rollover Debt with a Chinese Bailout, published on September 18, 2011 predicted, "Greece is the Sarajevo in the start of the next currency
world war. A containable matter ready to snowball into a full-scale mobilization of competing factions, poses the unwinding
of world markets." Now you see this confrontation erupting into open warfare, not through a face off from phalanx corps,
but in the struggle to prevent the collapse of the global debt created fiat currency model.

Learn the lesson that Euripides taught in Bacchae. Pentheus, the king of Thebes, stands as a symbol in the play for all those
who opposed the cult of Dionysus and denied the erratic, emotional, uninhibited longings within all human beings. The criminal
banking institutions that want to exemplify Dionysus’ god like supremacy, needs to be defeated. In ancient times, a
Pentheus or an Odysseus could wield the sword and destroy the beasts. Today, only the strength of a united world body of individual
citizens, exercising civil disobedience, can bring down the evil banking system.

corrupt uninhibited longings exist in all of us, because of our fallen nature. However, the globalists have weaved a system
of universal slavery based upon their manipulation of money. They can be defeated. Have the courage of a Greek hero and take
control of your own destiny. This tragedy is an existential test. Appreciate the absurdity of compliance with the New World
Order, and apply comic relief, to those who follow commends of the EU Poseidon ship of state.

– November 6, 2011


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